Cinque Terre

The Cinque Terre village of Vernazza ... Italy's Fiat-free riviera. Our home base was in the village of Monterosso, seen along the coast in the distance.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Coming to an end...

Wayne walked a lot today, breathed pretty well and did that other thing you are supposed to do. Everybody talks about it pretty openly but I am still modest about such things. At least publicly. He saw himself in the mirror for the first time and went "aaaahhhh, oh my, oh geez...aaaaahhhh" or something like that. He is looking pretty rough but is pretending he is on a camping or hunting trip so that works. Dr Misbach came in and did his check up and said Wayne could be coming home tomorrow!!! So that is good news, we have some preparation to do but if it will be done, it will be done. If a few things don't remain stable on their own then he will stay until Thursday. So another night tonight, some more walking and breathing and he will be that much better tomorrow, ready to camp on the couch and get some TLC. Not much more to report. I am tired and overwhelmed but it's all good. God Bless you all for the love you have extended our way. It will never be forgotten. Always grateful, Marian


Unknown said...

Marian, I appreciate your updates, you're a great blogger! I'm so relieved by your reports of Wayne's progress. Thinking of you guys often, Shannon :^)

georgeie said...

Wayne-I remember when John Burns used to call you 'sparky'-not sure if you knew that.

My friend, you will probably help loads of peopls our age get checked and you'll probably save a couple of lives. I have CAD and am onBP/cholestoral meds myself.

I know you'll be jogging along the coastal trail this summer. xoxoxoxo Georgeie R