Cinque Terre

The Cinque Terre village of Vernazza ... Italy's Fiat-free riviera. Our home base was in the village of Monterosso, seen along the coast in the distance.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More news...

Shortly after posting I received a call from Dr Misbach at 7pm and he said he needed to get Wayne back into surgery as there was too much bleeding and not enough clotting. He told me many other technical things he would do but basically it was stuff to normalize the blood flow and stop whatever leaking was occuring. Three long hours later (he told me to stay home and he would call me) he called and reported that he had to tighten up some sutures where some leaking was coming from and he said working with his aorta was difficult and attributed the difficulty (toughness) of all the heart tissue to the effects of the radiation from so long ago. Now at 5:30 a.m. I called the nurse in ICU and she said Wayne had an "up and down night"--apparently he had too much build up of fluid and they have been working to stabilize him for much of the night. She said they won't be letting him wake up all day today. He is nowhere ready to breathe on his own or be okay without the supports he is connected to. I will still be at the hospital this morning but I just won't rush there.


Unknown said...

Hi Marianne,

Chris here, I sat next to you at Wayne's good-bye party at the Moose's Tooth. I have had three open heart surgeries and valve replacements since 2003. Was in a coma for 10 days after the first one. It was MUCH tougher for my husband than me. I was delusional when I came out of it, very typical based on extensive heart-lung time and drugs. But the message is, we heal. Wayne is incredibly strong spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Please call because husband Doug would love to talk with you. 222-0359, and he is home today because of ice. Big hugs, Chris Campbell

Mark said...

Thanks for the updates. I know this is excruciating, the wait, the phone calls that aren't exactly saying "he's fine!" and more waiting. I have to believe that the irony of all his running and training, which is how he discovered this problem in the first place, will also help him stay strong physically through all this. Hang in there, call if you want to chat, vent, etc. Lots of love and prayers. I have a quote on my desk that says: "On a good day, enjoy yourself; on a bad day, examine your conscience. God arranges for both kinds of days so that we won't take anything for granted."

Sue said...

Hi Marianne

Thank you for keeping us updated on Wayne's condition. My brother is a fighter, as he proved when he was 19, and will come out of this healthier than ever. Love you all.